IONA Ports Orbix Middleware to the AS/400e

IONA Technologies announced it has ported its Orbix enterprise middleware technology to the AS/400e platform. With the move to AS/400 the Orbix product family is expected to enable organizations to integrate AS/400 applications and data with a variety of platforms, including mainframe, Unix, Windows and the Internet.

"The Orbix product family provides powerful middleware solutions across the organization," says Clare Dillon, product manager at IONA Technologies (Cambridge, Mass.). "By extending Orbix support for AS/400, we are enabling organizations to leverage their IBM AS/400 platform for the creation of integrated enterprise applications."

IBM has been quick to welcome IONA into the ranks of third-party AS/400e software developers. "We welcome IONA's decision to include Orbix support for the AS/400e and are working with IONA to provide this exciting product family to our AS/400 user community," says Tom Jarosh, general manager of IBM AS/400 Brand.

"The arrival of the Orbix product family enables AS/400 customers to take advantage of IONA's support for diverse enterprise IT resources," Jarosh adds. "With the power of AS/400 for enterprise applications, customers can now leverage existing applications and solutions to take advantage of cross-platform best-of-breed solutions."

In addition to now supporting AS/400, IONA also supports OS/390, CICS, IMS, DB2, PL/I along with UNIX, Windows, C++ and Java -- to provide an environment for making diverse IT systems work as an integrated total solution while leveraging existing investment in skills and tools.

--L. Greenemeier

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