SSA Launches eBPCS into a Stormy Market

Despite the slow start to the year many enterprise resource planning (ERP) solutions providers are experiencing, System Software Associates (Chicago) announced its eBPCS solution has shipped on schedule, with more than 50 customer sites worldwide, according to published reports.

EBPCS is designed to be an extendible version of SSA's Business Planning and Control System (BPCS) ERP solution. The new product has been designed specifically for world-leading manufacturing enterprises and divisions of Fortune 1000 companies.

"We are committed to growth and this momentum keeps us firmly on track to achieve our goal of profitability in 1999," says William Stuek, chairman and CEO. "EBPCS represents our new strategy of delivering market driven, customer-centric solutions to companies worldwide. We are very pleased with the market's acceptance."

ERP vendors hardest hit by the industry slump are reported to be PeopleSoft (Pleasanton, Calif.), J.D. Edwards (Denver) and SAP (Chesterbrook, Pa.). Companies such as these may be suffering from reduced sales, as compared to last year when Year 2000 projects drove demand for ERP implementations. Another factor attributed to ERP stagnancy is the industry's attention toward the Internet, and away from products that do not fully leverage Internet technology.

EBPCS is available on both mixed mode and client/server versions of the AS/400, as well as Unix HP 9000 with an Oracle or Informix database. Pricing begins in the range of $2,500 to $5,000 per user, but varies based upon products and the number of user seats purchased.

--L. Greenemeier

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