IBM Seminars Focus on e-Business and the AS/400e
In a gesture to continue promoting the AS/400e in the world of e-business, IBM announces a free seminar created to "help companies better understand the rapidly expanding world of e-business while fully harnessing the power of their AS/400e server."
The seminar, "e-solutions with AS/400e," will be held in 14 cities throughout North America, beginning August 17 in Minneapolis and will feature interactive discussions, product demonstrations and a Partner Showcase. Other event locations and dates include: St. Louis (Aug. 19), Portland (Aug. 24), Salt Lake City (Aug. 26), Toronto (Aug. 31), Montreal (Sept. 2), Denver (Sept. 8), Detroit (Sept. 14), Cincinnati (Sept. 16), Atlanta (Sept. 22), Miami (Sept. 24), Boston (Sept. 28), New York (Oct. 1) and Kansas City (Oct. 13).
Each seminar's morning session is scheduled to begin with an overview of e-business--what it is and how it benefits an organization; how to make one's company an e-business; and profiles of companies that have successfully become e-businesses. According to IBM, this segment is geared for both IT professionals and executive-level staff who wish to learn more about the AS/400 and its e-business capabilities.
Each afternoon session consists of breakout sessions that focus on the following: Domino; host integration; Web application development; and basic Web development/e-commerce. The breakouts will run throughout the afternoon, enabling participants to attend all four sessions. According to IBM, these afternoon sessions are geared toward IT professionals involved in Internet development.
The Partner Showcase is expected to feature an array of software and tools that assist in e-business implementation. To register for a seminar and obtain more information, visit the AS/400e Web site at and choose the section entitled "e-solutions with AS/400e Event." Those interested may also contact Patsy Horgan, AS/400e e-business marketing programs, at (770) 835-6376.
--L. Greenemeier