Harbinger Express 4.0 Now Available
Harbinger Corp. (Atlanta) announces immediate availability of Harbinger Express 4.0, a rearchitected version of its Web-based e-commerce solution, which enables organizations to establish large business-to-business trading communities. Fully compatible with existing e-commerce and Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) programs, Harbinger Express can be used to extend those programs to smaller suppliers or distributors without e-commerce capabilities.
Harbinger Express allows companies to create business forms, fully compliant with their business rules, and deploy them to their trading partners for use with a standard Web browser or with a desktop application that supports offline processing and application integration.
The Harbinger Express server automatically formats trading partner data so it can be integrated into existing e-commerce and ERP systems. The data is transmitted securely via the Internet, using standard Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption.
"Harbinger Express is the industry's most powerful and flexible WebEC solution," says Dennis Freeman, senior director of product management for Harbinger. "Our customers can freely choose whether to run their trading company themselves or outsource the operation to Harbinger. And they can offer their trading partners either the simplicity of browser-based forms or a desktop application with a built-in mapping tool for back-end application integration. The Express solution is a secure Internet e-commerce program that can be deployed to all of a company's trading partners."
-- J. Martin