J.D. Edwards: xtr@ 2.0 Offers Secure, Real-Time Internet Collaboration

By Ken Deats

J.D. Edwards newly available xtr@ 2.0 is designed to facilitate real-time supply chain collaboration over the Internet. The Denver-based supplier of e-business software says xtr@ 2.0 will provide the security and integration capabilities necessary for customers to extend planning information and tools throughout their partner network.

“With xtr@, customers get the best Web collaboration technology available with industrial strength security, performance and integration,” says Edward Sitarski, VP of supply chain planning at J.D. Edwards. “[This] allows organizations to deliver improved services for their customers and suppliers in a secure, integrated and scalable e-business environment.”

Security standard SSL is integrated with xtr@ 2.0, which allows companies to use their Web servers as gateways for secure data transmission between external clients and internal data. As to performance improvements, xtr@ has the ability to load balance resource requests from one server to another for faster data transfer. It can also pick up terminated sessions from a crashed server and continue data transfers between the server and user’s browsers. Xtr@ 2.0 supports third-party Java applets so customers can create custom application that can integrate with xtr@ and existing Internet applications. In addition, a bundled LDAP server is included.

Xtr@ 2.0 will be available with the latest release of J.D. Edwards OneWorld product. Pricing is based on a per suite, per user model and varies based on the system configuration.

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