Fiorina Shuffles A New Deal

In perhaps the first test of her leadership, Carly Fiorina, HP's president and CEO announced several executive staff changes during a meeting with financial analysts.

Duties and responsibilites for Ann Livermore, Antonio Perez, Carolyn Ticknor and Duane Zitzner will be changing. Livermore will continue working and implementing HP's E-services strategy as well as manage enterprise and commercial customer segments. Livermore will also gain back the responsibility for our professional services (she was previously responsible for HP's worldwide service and support organization) and financial services activities across the businesses.

Perez will handle digital-imaging opportunities, have accountability for the consumer market and be responsible for revitaliziing the HP brand.

Zitzner will manage the combined HP 9000 and NT server businesses and HP's software business. Bill Russell, general manager of Enterprise Systems and Software will now report to Zitner. Zitzner will also pull together HP's varied storage activities.

Full text of her remarks.

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