Extending e-Business Solutions
What good are e-Business applications if you can’t manage them? Teaming up with Computer Associates, IBM has added new Web-enabled business solutions that combine the strengths of the S/390 Multiprise 3000 Server and OS/390 operating system technologies with CA’s enterprise system management infrastructure. The alliance maximizes the impact of clients’ investments in their e-business resources by aligning the pricing models for CA software licensed in conjunction with IBM’s Multiprise 3000 e-business servers - a new family of S/390 servers designed to help small and medium-sized enterprises grow existing applications and add new workloads while reducing the cost of doing business.
In addition, to cut the costs of maintenance and minimize the administration of software licenses in high-end enterprise environments, CA’s Millennium pricing now caps maintenance at 600 MIPs and provides freedom to transfer coverage between defined sites should IT resources be reorganized. It also gives a break to VSE customers looking to migrate to OS/390. During the transition-for up to three years-companies pay none of CA’s VSE software licensing fees.