Give Your AS/400 a Free Security Health Check
DetectIT Inc, a Denver-based specialist in AS/400 audit and security software, has announced the launch of the Free AS/400 Security Health Check with the claim that is software that will help IT professionals assess their AS/400s for system weaknesses, for a free period.
The security health check will provide security ratings for profiles, system values, password standards, user access standards and user authorities on the AS/400 that can be compared against predetermined standards. Once the security check has been completed, DetectIT-EXM Examiner Control software can help to review the system even further with references to libraries, object authorities and network attributes.
“If you have a relatively clean system then that’s great peace of mind for you,” says Philip Johnson, VP at DetectIT. “If, on the other hand, system weaknesses are identified then that’s good too, you’ve detected security exposures before your auditors, which will give an opportunity to address them.”
The DetectIT Corporation, consisting of DetectIT Inc., DetectIT PLC and CCT Ltd. (Sheffield, U.K.), has sold over 20,000 licenses of its suite of security applications in over 40 countries worldwide. Customers include Fortune 1000 ad Big Five accounting firms. Selected by IBM as one of its business partners, the company is also a Premier member of IBM’s Partners In Development (PID). The security health check software is available for a 30-day evaluation.