No Problems? Think Again!
Ken Deats
Just when you thought the whole Y2K thing was just an overhyped figment of some doomsayer’s imagination, a real live glitch appeared in the AS/400 realm. If you’re using RCLDLO under OS/400 V3R2, you should pay close attention to the following item that appeared on IBM’s Year 2000 alerts Web site.
Message ID MCH1210 can occur after running OS/400 RCLDLO on V3R2
PLATFORM: AS/400 Operating System
PRODUCT: 5763-SS1 OS/400 V3R2
SUBJECT: Message ID MCH1210 can occur after running OS/400 RCLDLO on V3R2
PROBLEM: Document Library Object (DLO) operations can fail with MCH1210 in year 2000 after running Reclaim Document Library Object (RCLDLO) command. RCLDLO should not be used until a PTF becomes available (targeted for the week of January 3, 2000).
Systems at OS/400 V3R7 or V4 (any release) will not experience this problem.
RESOLUTION: APAR SA86751 for 5763-SS1 (V3R2) has been opened to address this problem.
Contact your software service provider if you have encountered the problem (MCH1210) described in the previous APAR.
UPDATED: 01/04/2000, 01:15:12 GMT
ORIGINALLY POSTED: 01/04/2000, 01:15:12 GMT
REFID: 20000103143308
As it says, there is a patch available from the