Seeking the Ultra-Mate: Infoseek Software's Ultraseek

<P>It has been given a mandate to collect and catalog the wealth of distributed information scattered across enterprise intranet sites. For HP-UX administrators charged with such a task, Ultraseek Server, an intranet search solution from search engine veteran InfoSeek Software may well be a must-have.</P><P>According to InfoSeek Software Vice President and General Manager Andy Feit, the same principles that apply to cataloging and searching the public Internet can readily be transposed to private intranets.</P><P>&quot;If we can crawl and index and search the entire Web, then we can probably do a pretty good job on your private network,&quot; Feit explains. Enter version 3.1 of Ultraseek Server, a version of InfoSeek’s search engine technology that has been adapted for use on corporate intranets, as well as on large public Web sites. InfoSeek’s Feit says that Ultraseek Server offers an advantage over solutions that attempt to catalog intranet site information. </P><P>Ultras

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