Farabi Expands HostFront to Integrate Back End, Web

Jim Martin

Farabi Technology (Montreal) has bundled its Enterprise Application Integration Toolkit (EAI) into the newest version of its Web-to-host solution, HostFront 1.9. In addition to its advanced host access, HostFront 1.9 now enables the integration of front-end Web applications with back-end host applications.

A set of functions to help organizations develop e-business applications, the EAI toolkit is composed of a suite of ActiveX components that deliver access to host information which then can be integrated with new front ends or used to control devices.

The HostFront ActiveX components can also be used with Microsoft Active Server Pages (ASP) to transform static Web content into dynamic and fully transactional Web applications.

“More and more business transactions are becoming Web-based. The HostFront Application Integration Toolkit facilitates building e-business applications that require real-time host data to deliver information, services, or transactions over the Internet,” says Charles Machalani, director of marketing at Farabi Technology. “Whether the need is for a simple Host Access method for road warriors, or to implement lucrative e-business strategies, HostFront can transform corporate objectives into reality with little time and effort.”

HostFront 1.9 is scheduled for delivery in April 2000 with a list price of $5,995 for 32 concurrent sessions.

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    Related Information:

  • Farabi Technology (new window)
  • HostFront Product Overview (new window)
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