WRQ Introduces Reflection for the Web 4.0
Jim Martin
E-business infrastructure provider WRQ Inc. (Seattle) announced version 4.0 of Reflection for the Web and Reflection for the Web, Professional Edition, at Networld+Interop on Tuesday.
Designed for multihost enterprises, Reflection for the Web 4.0 Web-enables enterprises for e-business without re-engineering. Centrally managed Web-to-host terminal solutions, it gives users secure Web access to IBM, Unix, HP, and OpenVMS host applications.
In version 4.0, WRQ has put power-user functionality in a thin-client package and has enhanced tools for rejuvenating IBM mainframe and AS/400 green screens with a Web interface.
Other new features in 4.0 include: enhanced printer functionality—3812 printer emulation provides AS/400 users with flexible, accurate printing functionality; AS/400 data transfer—now supports database transfers in IBM 5250 terminal sessions; and macro recording support—allows capture and playback actions performed each day.
“The Web-to-host market is poised for significant growth in 2000 reaching over $400 million by years end. WRQ is well positioned to take advantage of this growth,” says Lucinda Borovick, program manager, Data Center Networks, IDC Research. “Satisfying remote user needs with features such as an enhanced user interface and increased network performance are critical to customer adoption of this technology.”
Scheduled for worldwide availability in mid-June, 2000, version 4.0 costs $199 per concurrent user and the per-user volume price is $115. In addition, WRQ offers per-seat trade-in pricing of $60 to customers using other emulation software.
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