Landmark Tools Added to OS/390 SystemPac

IBM has selected Landmark Systems products to accompany its OS/390 SystemPac program offerings for worldwide distribution. IBM designed SystemPac to help customers in planning, installation, customization, exploitation and maintenance of their OS/390 systems. IBM SystemPac also offers IBM customers the opportunity to integrate IBM and third party software. Landmark's products are expected to extend and enhance the versatility of OS/390 for mission-critical applications.

IBM sends SystemPac to customers on a single customized tape, making it easy to install and implement. The composite effectively allows customers to chose IBM products and appropriate solutions all at once. The Landmark products that are included in the IBM SystemPac will allow customers to quickly and easily install performance management and monitoring products as part of regular system upgrades.

Landmark will make its Monitor products for CICS, DB2, DBCTL, MQSeries, MVS and VTAM available through SystemPac. Landmark will also include SystemPac availability for NaviPlex and NaviGraph.

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