Lakeview Announces AS/400 High Availability Offer

Lakeview Technology (Oak Brook, Ill.), developer of the MIMIX and OmniEnterprise suites for application and data availability recently announced a special AS/400 High Availability offer.

Effective through December 31, 2000, customers purchasing a new AS/400 or upgrading to a new 8XX system for High Availability can receive a discount of up to 60% on MIMIX High Availability software installed on the backup system, including a FREE license of MIMIX Promoter for AS/400.

Lakeview’s MIMIX products is a Availability Management solution for AS/400 users. Through high-volume, real-time data and object replication, MIMIX products provide High Availability and Continuous Operations that eliminate planned and unplanned downtime. The products also monitor the mid-range environment and automatically switch users to a backup system in the event of an outage. With MIMIX, data and applications are always available.

MIMIX Promoter is a Continuous Operations product that minimizes the downtime associated with database reorganizations and application updates by performing these tasks in the background while users access the production database and applications.

Related Editorial:

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    Related Information:

  • Lakeview Technology (new window)
  • MIMIX Products and Services (new window)
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