California Software Announces New Release of BABY/36
Fredrik Johnsen
California Software Corp. (Irvine, Calif.), a provider of IBM midrange migration products and developer of the BABY-product line, is releasing BABY/36, version 8.51.
"This product will enable software developers and end users to migrate, develop and execute native System/36 RPGII programs and procedures under Windows 95/98, 2000 and NT/2000," says Carol Conway, president of California Software Corporation.
The new version includes Windows print drivers and ODBC compliance with greatly expanded graphical user interface (GUI) capabilities.
"With the introduction of Visual Basic Scripting, you can interface your application with other applications running on the Windows platform, perform 'look and feel' customization automatically or enhance the current application's capabilities," says Conway.
Performance has also been enhanced, to increase the speed and processing of the core BABY/36 operating system.
The solution offers a way to rehost RPGII code in a graphical operating environment without having to redevelop.
California Software Corporation supports the migration of IBM AS/400 screens and applications into PC-LAN business environments.
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