New Products

e-vantage WebPublish 3.0

Attachmate’s e-vantage WebPublish 3.0 software helps organizations publish host application screens in a GUI presentation for viewing from a Web browser, without changing any host application code. End users do not have direct access to host publications, keeping host data secure. e-Vantage WebPublish 3.0 requires no changes to legacy applications, runs on a local Web server and supports 500 or more simultaneous users for large e-business initiatives. e-Vantage WebPublish 3.0 offers customizable templates to build user-friendly, attractive Web sites, helping organizations stay competitive. For more information, call (800) 426-6283, or visit their Web site at

UNIX Inventory +

Computing Edge’s UNIX Inventory + Solution helps to integrate UNIX inventory into Microsoft’s System Management Server (SMS). UNIX Inventory + can be used for any LAN systems based on Windows NT or 2000, and simplifies management of a heterogeneous client/server environment by channeling UNIX software and hardware inventory data into an SMS database. Users can manage UNIX environments from SMS or any Web browser using Computing Edge tools. For more information, call (800) 585-7002, or visit their Web site at

Xbridge Professional

Xbridge Systems’ Xbridge Professional enables users and applications programs to query files on an OS/390 mainframe and get the results back in Windows format without additional mainframe programs or batch processing. Xbridge Professional can search large VSAM or QSAM files for data matching user- or application-defined criteria, returning current data in seconds. Xbridge Professional also supports enterprise server DB2 relational databases running on OS/390 mainframes, allowing Windows applications to access DB2 mainframe data through a SQL query and have that data appear in Windows format and in realtime. For more information, call (800) 757-3282, or visit

eSleuth Offers Transaction Analysis

Bristol Technology Inc.’s eSleuth transaction analysis software enables companies to visually pinpoint information flow failures and performance bottlenecks throughout IBM MQSeries-based systems. eSleuth consists of a central Analyzer, a Windows NT-based program that collects, correlates and graphically presents e-business events; and eSensors, which collect information about each MQSeries API call for the Analyzer. Both are installed on each host in the e-business system. Other key features of eSleuth include centralized data analysis, dynamic transaction visualization, powerful data filtering, API level monitoring and advanced graphical views. For more information, visit

IntelliWatch Monitor for AS/400

In response to IBM’s bundling LotusNotes/Domino with more than one third of all AS/400 servers shipped, Candle Corporation has developed IntelliWatch Monitor. IntelliWatch Monitor is designed to identify and correct Lotus Notes server problems based on pre-set triggers and stabilizes the environment by running correction routines to fix failures and avoid crashing the server. IntelliWatch Monitor automatically profiles the system, configures itself and generates reports. The Advanced Server Watch also provides a view of the servers and their operational states within the company. For more information, call (800) 328-1811, or visit

Axios’ LS/Mail-NT

Axios Products Inc. has released LS/Mail-NT, a new method of document creation, management and distribution for the LibertySoft electronic document output system. LS/Mail-NT automatically e-mails the customized, graphically enhanced digital documents created with existing application output data using LibertySoft. Using an introductory e-mail message, the document is sent to selected recipients in Adobe Acrobat PDF format. The LS/Mail-NT gateway works like a normal printer and runs under Windows NT. For more information, call (800) 877-0990, or visit their Web site at

ViewMax Wireless Integration

MODCOMP Inc.’s ViewMax integration software supports wireless Internet access to mainframe, midrange and UNIX applications via the Palm VII. ViewMax seamlessly connects the Palm VII browser to any enterprise system, or "green screen" computer application. It enables business and institutions to offer quick access from remote locations. Pricing for ViewMax begins at $10,000 plus configuration services and user licensing. For more information, call (800) 322-3287, or visit their Web site at

e-FAQ 2.0

Interactive Intelligence has announced version 2.0 of e-FAQ, its knowledge management solution for automating e-mail and Web responses using artificial intelligence and linguistic techniques. New features of e-FAQ 2.0 include: e-mail and Web self-service components with escalation to a live e-mail response and Web chat service; Web authoring interface; support of XML formatting in entries; data mining/harvesting; COM API that allows organizations to embed e-FAQ into a variety of systems and applications; a FAQ import/export option; multi-user administration support and sample application source code for Web query; and Web authoring and bulk answer loading. For more information, call (317) 872-3000, or visit

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