Wipro Technologies and SEAGULL Partner to Deploy Enterprise Applications
Fredrik Johnsen
Wipro Technologies (Bangalore, India), a provider of e-business integration and implementation services, and SEAGULL (Atlanta), a provider of e-business enabling software technology, announced that they have teamed up to provide rapid delivery of SEAGULL’s software solutions to Wipro’s target market. The companies plan to initially focus on opportunities in Europe, United States and India.
"SEAGULL's strong leadership position in opening enterprise applications for e-business, including mobile commerce, will help us significantly strengthen and accelerate our ability to deliver cost-effective solutions to our customers," said V. Ramakumar, chief executive of e-enabling solutions for Wipro Technologies. "We are especially focused on using SEAGULL's Wireless-to-Host to deliver mobile computing solutions, a strategic initiative for Wipro."
Under the agreement, Wipro is now a SEAGULL Solution Partner and will set up a competency center for SEAGULL’s WinJa, J Walk and Wireless-to-host software products. The competency center will be located in India, and specialize in implementation knowledge management, project management, and methodology associated with the delivery of non-invasive, customized e-business and mobile computing solutions that are integrated with backbone enterprise applications.
The collaboration will enable Wipro’s target market to connect enterprise mainframe and AS/400 applications to the wired and wireless Web, reenginer application workflow, and enhance applications for e-business initiatives quickly and cost-effectively.
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SEAGULL (new window)Wipro Technologies (new window)