Hail, Hail the Gang's All Here

Late lastmonth Microsoft Corp. introduced Enterprise 2000: A collection of eight serverproducts dedicated to the business arena that lay the foundation for Redmond's.NET strategy. The critical stats on these products are as follows:

Product Name: Windows 2000 Datacenter Server

Overview: Microsoft's entry into the high end ofthe enterprise market, intended to compete with the Unix variants for datacenter-class implementations.

Status: Available through Windows DatacenterProgram.

Previous Version: None.

Key Features:

*Capable of running on 32 processors in a singlesystem.

*Supports up to 64 GB of RAM.

*Supports four-node failover clustering.

*Winsock Direct to assist high-speed transactionprocessing in a system area network environment.

*Windows Datacenter Program: OEMs must stresstest complete systems before shipping them to customers. Joint OEM/Microsoftsupport queue that gives end users a single point of contact.

More information:www.microsoft.com/windows2000/guide/datacenter/overview


Product Name: Application Center 2000

Overview: Application Center 2000 is a set oftools and services for using software to scale Web applications.

Status: Release Candidate 1. Launch expectedlate 2000.

Previous Version: None. Component load balancingfunctionality was originally included in Windows 2000's COM+ but was removed.

Key Features:

* Function of managing middle-tier architectureis a new addition to Microsoft server line.

* Combines principles of distributed processingand management.

* Automatic application synchronization acrossmultiple servers.

* Cluster wizards for creating and managing Webserver clusters.

URL: www.microsoft.com/applicationcenter


Product Name: BizTalk Server 2000

Overview: E-business community infrastructure withtools to manage business processes via XML and Simple Object Access Protocol(SOAP).

Status: Beta. Launch expected first half 2001.

Previous Version: None.

Key Features:

* Routes and delivers business documents in EDIand flat files as well as XML, deliverable by traditional Internet protocols,such as HTTP, FTP, and SMTP.

* Documents are encrypted or otherwise protectedby digital signatures.

* Compliant with several Windows-based contentmanagement tools on the market.

* Schema libraries and tools now available onthe Web to enable to prepare for BizTalk 2000.

More information:www.microsoft.com/biztalkserver


Product Name: Commerce Server 2000

Overview: The latest iteration of Microsoft'senterprise

e-commerce server.

Status: Beta. Launch expected late 2000.

Previous Version: Site Server 3.0, CommerceEdition

Key New Features:

*Scalable data warehouse based on SQL Server.

*Central data repository.

*Remote control of e-business for managers.

*Extended application hosting, Web design,systems integration,

and data analysis.

*Integrated ISV technologies.

More information:www.microsoft.com/commerceserver


Product Name: Exchange 2000 Server

Overview: Next generation of Microsoft's widelydeployed e-mail and collaboration server. First major application to require aWindows 2000 Active Directory installation.

Status: Shipping.

Previous Version: Exchange Server 5.5

Key New Features:

*Improved stability for business users.

*Integration with Active Directory.

*Multimedia management features forteleconferencing and voice over IP.

*Support for handheld devices.

*Instant messaging.

More information: www.microsoft.com/exchange


Product Name: Host Integration Server 2000

Overview: Permits the integration of existinglegacy application and database information into Windows 2000 applications

Status: Beta 2. Launch expected late 2000.

Previous Version: SNA Server 4.0.

Key New Features:

* Applications are integrated using COM+, XML,and SOAP technologies.

* Permits two-way relationship between Oracleand SQL Server databases.

* Integrates with SQL Server 2000, BizTalkServer 2000, and Commerce Server 2000.

* Uses COM Transaction Integrator to covertCustomer Information Control System (CICS) 3270 applications on IBM mainframesto Windows 2000 or Windows NT Server.

More information:www.microsoft.com/hostintserver


Product Name: Internet Security and AccelerationServer 2000 (ISA)

Overview: Offers cache management, proxy server,and Network Address Translator (NAT) Services.

Status: Release Candidate. Launch expected late2000.

Previous Version: Grew out of Microsoft ProxyServer.

Key New Features:

*Manages multitier firewalls with an eye towardWeb publishing and e-business.

*Screens traffic for bandwidth management andsecurity.

*Native intrusion detection feature.

*Active cache controls, moving data to caches,anticipating future user demands.

*Integrates with Active Directory for accesscontrol.

More information:www.microsoft.com/isaserver



Product Name: SQL Server 2000

Overview: SQL Server 2000 is Microsoft's

latest version of its flagship relational

database management system.

Status: Shipping

Previous Version: SQL Server 7.0

Key New Features:

*New XML capabilities.

*New scalability clustering mechanism calledDistributed Partition


*Core relational engine.

*Core storage engine.

*Data mining integration.

*Support for BizTalk Server 2000.

More information: www.microsoft.com/sql

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