Clinton Appoints National Digital Task Force
President Clinton named three people, including HP's Carly Fiorina, to a task force created by the world's leading industrial nations to address the digital divide.
Another appointee is Zoe Baird, an early choice for Attorney General who removed herself from consideration in a controversy over her hiring an illegal immigrant as a nanny. Baird is president of the Markle Foundation, a private nonprofit foundation that recently launched a program to help foster computer literacy in developing nations.
The Digital Opportunity task force, or "dot force,'' was created by the G8 nations during their summit in Okinawa this summer when they heard concerns about how developing nations are being left out of the information technology revolution.
The panel, with representatives from government, industry, nonprofit groups and international organizations, will hold its first meeting in Tokyo this week.
Clinton also appointed Thomas A. Kalil, a White House aide who specializes in technology and telecommunications issues.