Cutter: Telecommuting Not Necessarily Where It’s At

A new survey by Cutter Consortium shows that while nearly all of the respondents say their companies allow telecommuting, nearly a third view it as a necessary evil and only a very small percentage of workers have actually adopted this style of work.

"What our data really tells us is that `telecommuting in the large’ has not replaced the traditional office environment and does not seem to be creating an overnight revolution," says Cutter Business Technology Council Fellow Ed Yourdon. "Clearly, it makes sense under some circumstances, but, people are practicing it to a much smaller extent than one might have imagined."

When asked how many days of the workweek are spent on telecommuting, the majority of respondents, 65 percent, said just one day. "No one in our survey reported that their telecommuters work from home on a full-time basis; certainly such scenarios do exist, but our data suggests they are a rarity,." adds Yourdon., "The far more common scenario is being unable to travel to the office due to bad weather, a sick family member or another type of somewhat personal emergency."

When asked about the advantages and disadvantages to telecommuting, respondents said increased flexibility for employees was the biggest benefit and a lack of worker supervision the biggest downfall.

30 people took part in the Cutter Consortium Survey. Respondents were IT executives from Fortune 1000 companies.

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