OpenService Introduces Security Management Center Suite for Real-Time Enterprise-wide Protection and Compliance

Security Risk Management Solution integrates new Security Log Manager and Security Threat Manager 3.5 modules to prove Sarbanes-Oxley, HIPAA, and FISMA Compliance and better manage security operations

WESTBOROUGH, Mass., March 21, 2005 -- OpenService(TM), Inc. (Open), a leader in real-time security information management (SIM) software, today announced Security Management Center (SMC), a new integrated suite of real-time IT security risk and compliance management applications that help global enterprises and government organizations turn deployed security systems into effective protection.

Open's Security Management Center (SMC) is the center of the security management life cycle for networks, applications and compliance. The suite debuts with two distinct but related modules: Security Threat Manager (STM) 3.5 for real-time network security information management, and Security Log Manager (SLM) for real-time security compliance reporting and analysis. Other innovative modules for SMC are in development for release later this year.

SMC sets a new benchmark in security risk management by enabling superior threat management, log management, security policy compliance, and regulatory compliance, all via a uniform, real-time security dashboard with minimal maintenance. Unlike products with expensive implementation times and management costs, SMC and its modules all deliver true real-time performance, proven scalability, fast implementations, and minimal daily maintenance demands.

"Proliferating security threats and regulatory monitoring requirements are converging to form one of the most critical issues confronting organizations today," said Andrew Braunberg, senior analyst, security with the research firm Current Analysis. "Point security systems are necessary defenses, and integrating their logs into a single management console for real-time threat and compliance reporting makes them significantly more effective."

Security Log Manager 3.5

SLM delivers real-time compliance reporting and highly compressed security log data storage, enabling auditors and analysts to produce centralized, intra-period real-time compliance reports. Building on STM's low maintenance, high performance, highly scalable architecture, SLM offers a compelling alternative to current slow, batch-oriented, standalone compliance reporting solutions. Fully integrated within SMC, SLM's real-time compliance reporting and forensic analysis capabilities integrate seamlessly with STM's correlation and threat management features, delivering a common console, a common approach and frictionless transitions from one phase to the next in the security management life cycle.

SLM's features include:

  • Real-Time Compliance Reports SLM's unique reporting engine enables user-defined compliance analyses to be updated on-the-fly using real-time data for instant, on-demand, intra-period compliance reporting. Scheduled reporting generation is also available, presented using SMC's "Security Business Intelligence" dashboard. Pre-supplied but customizable report templates speed compliance audit analysis definition.

  • Security Log Archiving: SLM provides a high-volume/value industry standard, scalable embedded security log archive solution to deliver up to 40x data compression rates. SLM links security operations, vulnerability management with forensic data - easing audit compliance analyses in a single security management suite using commodity hardware without the need for DBAs.

  • Easy Maintenance SLM uses SMC's out of the box data collection functions to ease deployment and simplify management, delivering the industry's lowest TCO.

Security Threat Manager 3.5

Open's STM, now at v3.5, focuses on network sensors and delivers accurate, scalable real-time correlation and threat alerts with minimal maintenance. It guides managers in proactive and reactive IT security risk management and incident response processes. STM provides a layer of intelligence for managers inundated with data generated by multiple security solutions, and fosters more sophisticated, prioritized and business-centric threat identification and remediation. The key to STM's success is its automatically updated risk-based correlation and threat assessment capabilities, making security data more actionable, alerts more timely, and responses more relevant. STM is an essential to minimizing enterprise risk and meeting the security monitoring mandates created by legislation, such as Sarbanes-Oxley and HIPAA.

Upgraded to integrate seamlessly with the SMC suite and SLM, STM 3.5 provides the following core features:

  • Accurate Threat Correlation: STM's risk-based correlation quickly and accurately identifies threats and business risk before a compromise can be successful.

  • Scalability and Managed Costs: With simple system requirements, a high performance architecture, and automatic updates, STM is deployed without needing a DBA, SQL expertise or expensive, specialty hardware.

  • Security Business Intelligence: STM relates risk and threats to businesses, tracks security management metrics and enables consistent, configurable, controlled incident response.

  • Industry-Leading Low TCO: STM's out-of-the-box features enable fast deployment; its risk-based algorithms eliminate modifying settings for new exploits or vulnerabilities or signatures.

Pricing and Availability

Security Management Center 3.5, Security Log Manager 3.5 and Security Threat Manager 3.5 will be generally available in April 2005. Pricing is primarily driven by log event volume.

About Open

Open is a leader in real-time security management software. For more information, call 508-599-2000 or visit

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