Touchpaper Announces Business Process Modeling for the IT Service Desk

New York City, NY - June 27, 2005 - Touchpaper has announced a business process modeling solution that enables the IT Service Desk to define activities and assign resources in order to "do the right thing, by the right person, at the right time".

"In large enterprises with many users and departments, and interconnecting systems and activities, IT Service Desks can fall into a 'fire-fighting" mode, leveling any available resources against symptoms of a problem," said Carl Grieves, Senior Vice President of Touchpaper USA.

"The exercise of sitting down and modeling processes forces a review of current business practices and is an opportunity to refine and improve them. When business practices are accurately defined in the first place, it allows you to model your business processes and then make sure each action is assigned and performed in the right order, by the right person," Grieves added.

Touchpaper's ProcessManager encourages awareness and understanding of end-to-end processes across multiple teams. This prevents confusion over who is responsible for different parts of the process and ensures that actions are carried out on time by the right person, and that important deadlines are met. .

Key Features of Touchpaper's ProcessManager

  • Management of processes from inception to completion

  • Processes can be quickly adapted or changed to meet changing business, regulatory and industry requirements via the user-friendly design tools

  • Processes keep flowing with automatic assignments to individuals, groups and business roles

  • Automatic notifications prevent breakdowns of communication between departments

  • Provision of a personalized workspace for each user

  • Knowledge of processes are never lost -- the design behind each process can be viewed in an easy to understand graphical format

  • Powerful data querying and reporting capabilities

  • Access and privilege control by business role or group

About Touchpaper

Touchpaper's goal is to help its customers deliver efficient, effective and secure IT and customer services through teams that exceed expectations for service and drive operational value through a combination of efficient operating procedures and leading edge technology.

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