Rapid7 Now Offers Hosted Vulnerability Scanning
With NeXpose, Rapid7’s vulnerability management solution, customers can safely test their perimeter environment from Rapid7’s data center
BOSTON -- July 11, 2005 -- Delivering added flexibility and enhanced enterprise security to its customers, Rapid7 now offers hosted vulnerability scanning. The multiple scanning engines in NeXpose, Rapid7’s enterprise vulnerability management and risk assessment software, enable customers to externally check for vulnerabilities and policy violations via Rapid7’s Data Center.
With NeXpose’s hosted scanning solution, data continues to be stored at the customer site, avoiding issues of privacy. The Rapid7 Data Center scanning engines perform the scan on demand or as part of scheduled workflow, then deliver the results to the customer through encrypted channels to the NeXpose Central Web Console inside their firewall. The Console allows customers to view and analyze the scanning data from both external and internal scans, as well as control the scanning process.
“Using the hosted scanning capability, enterprises can safely test their environment from both inside and outside their firewall, ensuring that any vulnerability at the perimeter of their networks can be identified and fixed,” states Alan Matthews, president of Rapid7.
“This new feature is an extension of NeXpose’s multiple scanning engine support, which allows any authorized persons in an enterprise to perform scans as needed. The upshot is customers can perform an external as well as internal inspection of their networks, obtaining a more complete picture of vulnerabilities and policy violations in their enterprise.”
Rapid7’s NeXpose Version 4.0 is an enterprise vulnerability management and risk calculation software solution that offers a broad range of capabilities and outstanding flexibility without complexity. NeXpose features a centralized database, an artificial intelligence engine that performs vulnerability exploits, and unlimited network scan engines that probe operating systems, databases, applications and the Web for vulnerabilities and policy violations. By conducting widespread systems testing and coverage, NeXpose provides a comprehensive assessment of risk in the environment.
System Requirements
NeXpose 4.0 is a browser-based, server-side solution operating on Windows and Linux systems.
About Rapid7
For more information on the company and its product, NeXpose, visit http://www.rapid7.com.