Solstice Software Expands Testing Validation Support for SOA and Integration Projects

WILMINGTON, Del. -- October 18, 2005 -- Solstice Software, Inc., a pioneer in behind-the-screens message testing, today announced the availability of Integra Enterprise 5.0, the company’s enterprise-class integration testing suite. The latest version of Integra Enterprise provides process-level visibility and validation, enhanced security testing, and expanded support for industry leading enterprise protocols. The combined top level support, service-level enhancements, and expanded message-level support provide an unprecedented end-to-end view for testing integration.

The ability to quickly diagnose -- at a component level -- where in a process an error exists, provides dramatic time savings in SOA testing. By giving control of this view to testers and business users who understand the logic, Integra Enterprise enables testing teams to effectively validate SOA and integrated projects. Solstice streamlines and helps organize integration testing, allowing testing teams to work smarter, not harder.

“SOA and integration infrastructure have become the competitive backbone for companies today,” said Bob Harman, president and CEO of Solstice Software. “The reality is that corporations are not replacing their entire application portfolio with Web services. They are introducing the SOA architecture to create an integrated fabric of Web services, EAI, mid-tier applications, and back-end legacy applications.”

With Integra Enterprise, Solstice draws on years of extensive research and development, as well as feedback from satisfied customers who have relied on the company’s earlier products to tackle demanding integration projects.

Simplifying the Testing of Integrated Applications for SOA

Integra Enterprise provides an automated, process-oriented, repeatable way to test complex SOA infrastructures that cross multiple protocols and technologies. Solstice is able to provide visibility for integrated teams and find what others miss -- the errors behind the screens. Integration problems that typically take dozens of people many days to manually troubleshoot can be solved in minutes by one person using Integra Enterprise. Solstice has simplified the complex, resource intensive process of testing integrated applications with the following enhancements:

  • Pathing: By adding visual process-level views to show testers exactly where a problem is within an integrated system, Integra can eliminate the ad-hoc teams formed to hunt down the source of a problem. Quality-assurance users and business users can quickly identify where a defect occurs in the component path, and then drill down to the problem with a single click identifying the cause of the problem. Integra Enterprise’s new pathing capability correlates process-level messages across systems, technologies, departments, and geographies. Combined with existing message-level detail, pathing provides testers with a single point of control over diagnosing problems, giving them fast and accurate visibility into even the most complex problems.

  • Expanded message and data level support: Integra Enterprise has added support for JMS, which is rapidly becoming a standard in new projects and integration brokers. Additionally, Solstice recognized that to provide a complete end-to-end view to its clients, there was a need to confirm file and database updates as those repositories house data critical to system operations. As a result, Solstice has added the ability to validate files and databases, as well as message-level and process traffic to Integra Enterprise. With these enhancements, Solstice has achieved a milestone of giving its customers an end-to-end view of SOA projects that include Web, messaging, and legacy components.

Although SOA streamlines business processes, it adds a layer of complexity to technology. Validating integration complexity has testing and integration teams writing one-off stubs and harnesses, digging through logs, and forming extensive ad-hoc teams to find and diagnose integration-related problems. Bottom-line, testing integration is both the hidden resource consumer and the bottleneck in integration projects.

“We’ve automated the dirty work so our clients can save time, reduce resources, and improve quality,” commented Lori Gipp, vice president of marketing at Solstice. “Integra Enterprise tells testers the path through the system -- component by component -- then helps testers pinpoint precisely where the problem is in the process and which data -- field by field -- is creating the problem, in minutes, not days.”

Getting Testers to the Bottom of Integration Issues

Integration introduces layers of complexity, in order to improve business processes. Those layers are not penetrated by today’s graphic user interface (GUI) test tools. Integra Enterprise works through the integration layers, in two simple steps:

  • Laying out message paths and correlating messages along workflows

  • Recording both the message wrapper and the message content, to expose and diagnose precisely what in the flow is the source of the problem

By penetrating the integration layers, Solstice streamlines diagnosis and gives testers control and a repeatable integration validation environment. A central repository, user security, and an XP-like interface promote usability across the team, and re-usability of assets.

Relying on an unsurpassed protocol library that operates across virtually all messaging protocols, combined with the ability to penetrate the SOA integration layers, Integra Enterprise supports testing of the most complex applications at Fortune 500 companies across a broad spectrum of industries.

Integra Enterprise supports:

  • Industry Protocols: HTTPS, FTP, XML/SOAP

  • Vendor Protocols: WebSphere MQ (formerly MQ Series), Tibco, webMethods, JMS

Integra Enterprise is available today from Solstice Software by calling (302) 791-9900, e-mailing [email protected], or visiting

About Solstice Software, Inc.

Solstice Software, Inc. delivers enterprise-integration testing and simulation software that radically reduces the time and capital companies spend on complex software integration projects.

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