ExpediteBiz to Ease Business Process Integration

ExpediteBiz Unified Integration Web Services automate crucial business processes that require interaction with other organizations.

Rancho Santa Margarita, California -- October 24, 2005 -- ExpediteBiz, an expanding provider of Web service-based integration, today announced the immediate release of ExpediteBiz Unified Integration Web Services (UIWS), which enable companies to connect with a large number of business services providers, such as DHL, Endicia, AESDirect, and others, over the Internet.

ExpediteBiz has recognized the fundamental benefits of using Internet-based Web services to integrate different business processes in a highly efficient and cost-effective way. ExpediteBiz UIWS allow businesses of all sizes to develop enterprise-class automated business systems by integrating crucial business processes, such as shipping, shipper’s export declaration (SED) filling, and business documents exchange, with their desktop and online applications.

ExpediteBiz UIWS suite features a unified Web services interface based on the Open Applications Group Integration Specification (OAGIS®), the most complete business vocabulary developed by Open Applications Group (OAGI). OAGIS enables communication between business applications, whether the messages are application-to-application (A2A), business-to-business (B2B), or vertical industry-to-vertical industry (V2V) in nature. Therefore, in ExpediteBiz UIWS integrations, messages do not have to be translated for each intended Web service or application. All ExpediteBiz Web services understand the same format and speak the same language, so they always understand the messages. Using of OAGIS also allows the Web-service system to grow over time to cover more business processes and more industries.

"We are very pleased that ExpediteBiz, an innovative startup, has embraced the OAGIS standard as their unified interface for their Web services offerings," said David Connelly, CEO of the Open Applications Group. "Their use of OAGIS with Web services gives them an innovative, standards-based offering that should prove very appealing to their customers."

Unified integration Web services allows flexible reuse of business objects, patterns, technologies and architectural components. This makes the integration extremely easy and efficient because using one business process is practically like using all the others. For more information, please visit http://www.expeditebiz.com.

About ExpediteBiz

ExpediteBiz addresses the challenges of system-to-system integration via Web services technologies. ExpediteBiz Unified Integration Web Services are designed to reduce the complexity of business process integration and to deliver business benefit and flexibility at a reasonable price.

About Open Applications Group (OAGI)

OAGI is a not-for-profit, independent, open-standards-development organization, formed to promote interoperability among business software applications and to create or endorse one or more standards for easier business software interoperability. The primary technical standard produced by OAGi is OAGIS, the OAG Integration Standard.

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