SteelTrace Updates Requirements Capture and Project Definition Tool

SteelTrace 4.0 offers full baseline support, advanced data querying and filtering, automatic generation of suspect links, and change notification

New York, 1st December 2005 -- SteelTrace today announced the availability of version 4.0 of its business-driven requirements capture and management tool. SteelTrace 4.0's new functionality is outlined in more detail below and in full in the SteelTrace Enterprise Product Overview, available at

SteelTrace is designed from the ground up to deliver value to all stakeholders working on complex IT projects. By delivering real collaboration and seamlessly matching business requirements with IT, the performance of projects is dramatically improved.

SteelTrace 4.0 offers the following new capabilities:

Full baseline support with merge-forward and merge-back capability: Ongoing assessment of how much a project is evolving and changing during the lifecycle is supported by SteelTrace 4.0's rich baseline comparison and reports. Baselines are easy to create, compare, and merge, simplifying the management of divergences in a project or kicking off new or parallel projects. Users can also merge changes back or forth between baselines, avoiding re-work. Securing baselines eases final sign-off of the project definition and specification.

Advanced query creation and filtering of SteelTrace projects: Full, logical complex querying of project data is now completely enabled whether by requirement or specified custom field/property. Queries are easy to set up save and results can be exported to support further work/filtering on project parameters or the development of detailed, stakeholder-specific documentation/reports. By getting a better (or more concise) view of project data, prioritization, reporting, and tracking are made much easier.

Automatic suspect trace links: SteelTrace 4.0 automatically highlights suspect links whenever a change to one element of the project may have a knock-on effect on another element, or file link or dependency. By doing so, comprehensive Impact Analysis is enabled. Not alone does SteelTrace 4.0 ensure that all requirements keep track of amendments to related requirements, but stakeholders now have full visibility of all impacts on one element of the project when changes occur in another. SteelTrace's Suspect Links functionality also serves as an early-warning system for potentially high-impact change.

E-mail notifications for review cycles: SteelTrace 4.0 offers comprehensive change analysis and notification so that users can mark specific project requirements, packages, or elements of direct interest. Any subsequent changes to those elements will be automatically notified by e-mail with details and a link to the element concerned. In this way, stakeholders can monitor developments in the aspects of the project of most concern to them without having to review the entire project, easing collaboration and ensuring ongoing matching of requirements with the business needs of the project.

About SteelTrace

SteelTrace offers the first requirements capture and project definition solution that both business and technical users "get." Projects start right and deliver fully on business needs, on time and budget. Learn more, or demo our product, at

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