ComponentOne Releases Studio Enterprise 2006 v1

New version accelerates visual development with over 28 products compiled natively for Visual Studio 2005

Pittsburgh, PA -- January 24, 2006 -- ComponentOne today released ComponentOne® Studio Enterprise™ 2006 v1, a comprehensive component toolset for Windows, Web, and Mobile application development. The first release of this component subscription for 2006 includes over 28 products compiled natively for Visual Studio 2005 and delivers countless product enhancements focused on accelerating visual development with Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 by delivering: new productivity technology, new product architecture, new product releases and full support for the new features of Visual Studio 2005.

“Our objective is to provide our subscribers with a complete and innovative toolset that meets their needs today, and to deliver a suite of tools that supports the emerging technology of the future,” said Gustavo Eydelsteyn, managing director of ComponentOne. “For years, our Studio Enterprise toolset has provided subscribers with access to the largest and most complete set of tools for Visual Studio 6 and Visual Studio .NET 2002 and 2003. The latest release delivers components for the Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 and combined with the power of the new Visual Studio 2005, provides developers with a streamlined visual development experience.”

Select Studio Enterprise components for Visual Studio 2005 now include SmartDesigners™ aimed at simplifying the design-time experience and enhancing productivity on the .NET Framework 2.0. The new SmartDesigners allow developers to set the components’ most common properties without leaving the design surface.

New support for Visual Studio 2005 provides developers with unique features and functionality not available with the in-the-box tools. New products integrate with Visual Studio 2005 Windows Forms by supporting new features including Smart Tags, Snap Lines, data binding, GDI+ text, and Managed Themes. The new ASP.NET 2.0 Web Forms components fully support ASP.NET 2.0 features including Smart Tags, data binding, resourced-based scripts and images, and ASP.NET 2.0 Themes.

New product architecture features include:

  • ComponentOne Preview™ for .NET: This completely re-engineered version of Preview for .NET adds sophisticated printing and print preview capabilities to Windows Forms applications and features an enhanced object model, a more robust and modular design, improved performance, and more.

  • ComponentOne WebMenus and WebBars™ for ASP.NET: This new version adds new C1WebTreeView and C1WebTabStrip components, improvements to designers enhancing the design-time experience, and provides features and functionality not available in-the-box with Visual Studio 2005.

New product releases include:

  • ComponentOne ADO.NET DataExtender™: ADO.NET DataExtender is an extension for ADO.NET 2.0 that simplifies data modeling and programming for Windows Forms applications.

  • ComponentOneMaskEdit™ for Mobile Devices: This new component included in FlexGrid for Mobile Devices extends the functionality of the Compact Framework 2.0 TextBox control.

To learn more about ComponentOne Studio Enterprise visit:

Pricing and Availability

ComponentOne Studio Enterprise customers will receive two versions of the Studio Enterprise components. Subscribers will receive the full suite of components built on the Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1, as well as a full suite of the new components compiled natively for the .NET Framework 2.0 and Visual Studio 2005. The full version of ComponentOne Studio Enterprise has an MSRP of $999.95. Current ComponentOne customers can upgrade to ComponentOne Studio Enterprise for $749.95. Pre-renewal subscription pricing is available for all Studios.

Orders may be placed via the ComponentOne Web site ( or; telephone (Pittsburgh, PA USA: 800.858.2739 or 412.681.4343 outside the U.S.A.; ComponentOne Europe: 0800 328 5271 or +44 (0) 1460 234636); as well as through ComponentOne’s worldwide network of distributors and dealers.

About ComponentOne

ComponentOne provides development and Help authoring tools for application developers using Microsoft Visual Studio .NET, and Borland® Delphi® for .NET, and Help authors who write and design Help systems. The ComponentOne products are used by developers and Help authors worldwide for developing mission-critical ActiveX, .NET, ASP.NET, and Mobile Device applications, and Help systems.

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