ComponentOne Releases ComponentOne Doc-To-Help 2006 v1

New version enhances help authoring experience with powerful new features for Documenter, NetHelp, and more

PITTSBURGH, PA -- March 29, 2006 -- ComponentOne today released ComponentOne Doc-To-Help 2006 v1. This new version enhances the Help authoring experience with powerful new features and functionality for Documenter, NetHelp, and more.

Doc-To-Help empowers users to author or import documentation in Microsoft Word or any HTML editor to create online Help systems and professional printed manuals. Help systems produced with Doc-To-Help can be created in virtually any popular format including HTML help, cross-platform HTML-based help, JavaHelp, WinHelp, Visual Studio .NET-style help, and printed documentation.

"This release strengthens our solutions by addressing three important needs Help authors are facing: complete conversion of RoboHelp projects, robust Web-based Help creation, and flexible .NET documentation," said Sunny Wong, Ph.D., managing director of ComponentOne. "Doc-To-Help now converts advanced RoboHelp features, includes new enhancements to NetHelp, and added functionality to Documenter for .NET, Doc-To-Help’s automatic reference document generator.”

New features in Doc-To-Help 2006 v1:

  • Clean HTML source documents: D2HML properties can now be inserted into the code as an attribute in an HTML-compatible manner resulting in a clean HTML source document
  • Robust Help systems: The image map editor in HTML associates Help features with hotspots, and creates a more roust Help system

  • Easily track the source of your system features: With new indicator icons, Doc-To-Help now shows an icon for each collection item indicating where it came from, whether it was added manually by the user in the Project Editor, or if it was specified in the document, and if the latter then by what means it was specified

  • More complete conversion of RoboHelp projects: RoboHelp layouts are now converted in both the RoboHelp Word Converter and the RoboHelp HTML converter, providing a more complete conversion of RoboHelp projects

  • Powerful conditional text and single-sourcing technology: Advanced conditional build expressions allow users to state logical statements that specify how a combination of conditional build tags work together

  • Flexible glossary functionality: This glossary redesign allows Doc-To-Help users to choose whether they want popup links for glossary terms to be created automatically or not

  • Robust manuals: Users now have the option to place live links in their printed documentation instead of text references, therefore making the manual more robust when converting to PDF or when used in any on-screen viewing scenario

New features in NetHelp include:

  • Improved NetHelp look and feel: Popup windows or menus with topic lists appear when a hotspot links to multiple topics

  • Easily merge NetHelp projects: This feature enables multiple projects to be easily combined, saving hours of work manually combining projects, making the use of existing projects easier, and helping teams work together

  • Powerful search capabilities in NetHelp: The Noise List for NetHelp search is now a more powerful yet flexible search in NetHelp

New features in Documenter:

  • Integrated experience with Help development for Visual Studio: Documenter can now generate links for standard .NET Framework types in Help 2.0

  • nDoc Tag support: Documenter now supports all tags supported by the free tool nDoc

Current Doc-To-Help subscribers will receive these great new features and enhancements via the yearly subscription service as a part of their subscription plan. The Doc-To-Help subscription delivers the latest updates and e-mail support for one full year from the date of purchase.

Pricing and Availability

Doc-To-Help is available in two versions, Doc-To-Help Enterprise and Doc-To-Help for Word with respective pricing of $999.95 and $749.95. Competitive upgrades, renewal pricing, telephone support and volume discounts are also available. For more details contact .

Orders may be placed via the ComponentOne Web site (http://www.doctohelp.comor, telephone (Pittsburgh, PA USA: 800.858.2739 or 412.681.4343 outside the U.S.A.; ComponentOne Europe: 0800 328 5271 or +44 (0) 1460 234636;), as well as through ComponentOne’s worldwide network of distributors and dealers.

About ComponentOne

ComponentOne is the premier provider of Help authoring tools for authors who write and design Help systems. ComponentOne products are used by Help authors worldwide for developing robust and professional Help systems. ComponentOne has received numerous industry and user accolades for their tools, including awards from Visual Studio Magazine and Society for Technical Communication.


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