Updated Intellinx Offers Visibility into Internal User Activity for Fraud Detection, Prevention

Expands internal user behavior tracking for legacy systems to client server, Web platforms

New York, NY -- May 22, 2006 -- Today Intellinx Ltd. announced Intellinx Version 2 of its internal security software. The new version enables the most complete tracking of authorized end-user activity across the enterprise, expanding platform support to include legacy systems as well as client/server and Web.

Intellinx Version 2 provides comprehensive recording and analysis of end-user activity across internal business applications. Configurable business rules analyze screen content, track user behavior patterns, and trigger alerts on exceptions in real-time. Internal auditors can immediately zoom in on specific suspects and replay their actions in a screen-by-screen, keystroke-by-keystroke manner. Intellinx Version 2 tracks internal business processes in multiple applications across multiple platforms throughout the enterprise.

"The business need for detailed tracking of end-user activity at the application level is real, as applications are vulnerable to both internal and external attacks," says Joseph Feiman, Research VP at Gartner. "Performing this task is highly challenging considering the mix of platforms that most large corporations utilize to run their mission-critical applications (e.g., IBM mainframes, AS/400, client-server, and Web); mix of legacy and newly written applications; and mix of technologies (from COBOL to Java and from CICS to Web Service)."

"We are excited to announce the new Intellinx version, meeting the essential need of companies everywhere to protect their information assets from unauthorized manipulation or disclosure by their trusted insiders," said Orna Mintz-Dov, Intellinx Ltd. co-founder and CEO. "Larger organizations will now benefit from unparalleled visibility into their internal users activity -- across a wider range of platforms, including legacy, client/server, and Web."

Intellinx Version 2 generates a detailed forensic audit trail of user access to corporate applications and data, including both update and read-only transactions. This cross-application, cross-platform audit trail allows internal auditors to investigate suspicious events using comprehensive online queries. For example, auditors can search for all users who accessed a specific account number during a specific timeframe in any application and on any platform in a single query. The Intellinx audit trail also enables compliance with government regulations, including Sarbanes-Oxley and Basel 2, and privacy regulations, such as GLBA and HIPAA.

Based on patent-pending sniffing technology, the Intellinx agentless architecture generates no overhead and poses no risk to normal IT operation. The implementation process is very short (typically just a few hours) as the system runs on a separate server with no need to install anything on host or clients and with no need to change any application code.

About Intellinx Ltd.

Intellinx Ltd. is an innovative leader in end-user behavior tracking solutions for safeguarding against insider threat. The Intellinx solution enables large organizations to address the challenge of internal fraud committed by legitimate end users who are authorized to access the internal business applications.

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