SXP releases HampusDB, World’s First Open-Source Hybrid Database

Includes command-line utilities, interfaces to C, C++, Java, and Perl

Singapore, 13-July 2006 -- After several years as a proprietary database, HampusDB is now released as an Open Source product, free and available for download at

HampusDB is a flexible and efficient hybrid database, a mixture of a file system and a database. The aim is to fill the gap when storing data in a relational database is to rigid and storing data in text files is too cumbersome. A typical example would be XML, configuration or hierarchical data.

HampusDB comes with a wide range of command-line utilities for manipulating and extracting data. It's designed for both embedded, desktop, and server systems and currently runs on Linux and has interfaces to C, C++, Java, and Perl.

Key features include:

  • Scalable to terabytes of data, billions of records

  • Locking using multiple readers/single writers

  • Comes with client-server for multiple applications or direct file access API

  • Zero administration

  • Uses BerkeleyDB for underlying storage (db185, db3, db4)

  • Small code footprint

  • Source-code availability

  • Simple yet powerful C-API with wrappers to Java and Perl

  • Wide variety of command line applications

  • Works well with other UNIX command-line applications

  • Supports regular expression and globbing to query data

  • Regression test suite and example source included

  • Features can be added and removed using autoconf

System Requirements

HampusDB is developed on Linux. It comes with binary distribution for Red Hat Enterprise Linux or source release for other distributions and platforms. It is free and licensed under GNU Lesser Public License.

About SXP

SXP is an information technology company specialized in development of novel software concepts. For more information about SXP, visit our Web site at

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