Mirapoint Simplifies Disaster Recovery for Enterprise E-mail
Company releases new remote site replication solution
Mirapoint has introduced the Mirapoint Remote Site Replication (RSR) solution that provides enterprises and higher educational organizations a proactive disaster recovery solution for protecting critical e-mail messages. RSR provides continuous access to e-mail and remotely replicates all business-critical e-mail so organizations can avoid downtime and protect the integrity of their data while keeping a historical record for regulatory and compliance requirements.
According to David Hill, CEO of Mesabi Group and author of the 2007 Data Protection Report, “Depending on the level of severity, without a proactive disaster recovery solution in place, the ability of processes and people to work successfully is jeopardized, if not impossible.”
“Deploying a disaster recovery solution is essential for enterprises today,” said Barry Ariko, CEO of Mirapoint. “Mirapoint’s RSR ensures that a copy of critical e-mail is available remotely, allowing enterprises to minimize downtime and maintain business continuity in case disaster strikes.”
A natural disaster -- from hurricanes and fires to power and air conditioning failures -- can result in intellectual property and revenue losses. E-mail disruption can be have serious consequences for most businesses. Furthermore, Gartner predicts that by the end of 2007, 75 percent of Global 2000 companies will have emergency systems for employee communication as part of disaster recovery plans in the event of a crisis. Disaster recovery for e-mail systems must not be an afterthought for any IT department.
The company says its RSR affordably provides businesses with the security of a dual-site system, nothing that “RSR ensures that the services, along with a copy of e-mail, calendaring, and contact data is available at a remote location so that recovery can happen with minimal downtime.” The Remote Site Replication solution is an add-on software license to Mirapoint’s Message Server and is priced starting at $15,000. For more information, visit http://www.mirapoint.com/RSR.
About the Author
James E. Powell is the former editorial director of Enterprise Strategies (esj.com).