CA Erwin Data Modeler Improves Productivity and Control

Integrates with Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Team Edition for Database Professionals

CA today released CA ERwin Data Modeler r7.2, a data modeling tool integrated with Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Team Edition for Database Professionals that helps database professionals employ best practices in the design and modeling of relational databases.

CA ERwin Modeling Suite r7.2 supports a managed, model-based approach for business analysis and requirements gathering. Database pros using SQL Server can also use the new version to visually design and generate managed objects for Microsoft’s Visual Studio development environment. CA ERwin DM can be used to migrate existing SQL Server data schemas to Visual Studio projects. The products can be employed in the reverse direction: CA says managed objects can be “reverse engineered from Visual Studio into CA ERwin DM for metadata visualization, integration and reporting purposes.”

The new version offers full native support SQL Server 2005’s relational syntax, and adds support for DB2 9, MySQL, and Sybase IQ.

Additional new features include:

  • An enhanced “Complete Compare” feature so users can more easily discover model changes

  • New, flexible name-management capabilities “that enable modelers to rigorously enforce or globally modify naming structures to support more coherent model meta data standards across the enterprise,” according to CA

  • A new PDF index for easier eases navigation of ERwin DM Report Template Builder’s large reports

A free trial is available at

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