PureShare Announces New BI Platform

Platform lets users gather information from both inside and outside their organizations

Ottawa, Canada-based PureShare unveiled on Tuesday a new platform that combines its ActiveMetrics and ReportRouter products to let businesses gather data from both internal and external sources.

The new platform will "automate" the collection of data, PureShare says, and display it in a "Web-based dashboard" that can be customized to fit each user's needs, or sent to mobile devices for viewing.

It will also let users gather current, "real-world" data -- such as exchange rates or other "real-time financial data" -- and compare it to information gathered from within the organization.

"Imagine the potential increase in access to useful, real-time information if businesses are evaluating their metrics given all factors, both internal and external," said PureShare co-founder Christopher Dean in a press release. "PureShare has mastered visibility across the enterprise...providing our customers with even more relevant information that they can use to increase productivity and boost their bottom lines."

PureShare calls the new platform "data source-agnostic," meaning that unlike other BI tools -- which may return data in disparate formats, or require additional formatting by the user -- this platform would be able to gather data from a variety of sources and format it to provide a cohesive report.

The platform also does not use online analytics processing, according to the company. The result is a "lightweight and easily deployed" application, PureShare says.

For more information, go to http://www.pureshare.com.

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