PremiTech Releases Performance Guard 5.1

Latest version features support for Vista and Windows XP 64-bit, as well as enhanced Citrix monitoring

PremiTech today released version 5.1 of its Performance Guard product, which now features support for Vista and Windows XP 64-bit "under the new software-as-a-service model," the company said in a press release.

According to the company, the extended support in the new version will help companies develop a plan for an easy migration to either Vista or 64-bit XP by letting them monitor the performance of end user devices over a short amount of time.

"This prevents unnecessary investments in new hardware and software until needed," the company said in the press release.

Version 5.1 also features constant monitoring of all transactions by real users, whether they're Web transactions or client/server application transactions. Administrators will not be limited to monitoring just a select group of systems, PremiTech said.

"It is the first time in the IT management industry that a solution is able to monitor transactions at the point they are performed by the end user," said PremiTech Chairman Kim Wiencken in a statement. "We offer this under our new SaaS model that initiates with a flat fixed fee for the first month"

Citrix monitoring is also enhanced in this latest release. Version 5.1 features "much faster and detailed Citrix log-in monitoring," according to the company.

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