Zmanda Launches First Enterprise-Class Windows Backup Solution

Amanda adds Microsoft Windows client, enhanced security, and round-the-clock tech support

Zmanda has updated its flagship Amanda Enterprise backup software. New in this release are commercial-grade features to protect enterprise data, including a new Zmanda Client for Microsoft Windows, security upgrades. and 24x7 technical support.

"Amanda Enterprise has always delivered robust network backup functionality for a fraction of the cost of proprietary solutions, and it is now ready for widespread enterprise deployment," said Chander Kant, Zmanda's CEO, in a statement. "With an even higher level of enterprise-grade functionality, businesses can deploy Amanda with complete confidence that it will safely protect data throughout an organization and is fully supported by Zmanda."

The company says Amanda Enterprise is a "business-ready version" of its open source backup and recovery software, which it estimates protects more than 500,000 systems around the world.

Amanda Enterprise's Zmanda client for Microsoft Windows provides full support for Windows file systems, including support of Access Control Lists (ACLs) and extended file attributes.

Zmanda Client for MS Windows offers new backup flexibility, including:

  • Backup of Windows files in native format. Customers can recover files without first installing Amanda since it doesn't use proprietary formats

  • Backup of open Windows files; applications do not need to first be closed, so no production systems are interrupted to perform a backup

Amanda Enterprise enhancements add a high level of security to protect an enterprise's critical data. Features include:

  • Role-based access control allows recovery of files by only the authorized owners (an accounting user can recover only accounting files)

  • Support for Security Enhanced (SE) Linux allows implementations of Amanda in highly secure environments

  • Highly secure access to the Zmanda Management Console (ZMC) over the network and from the Web. ZMC, a Web service, simplifies management of Amanda.

Zmanda has extended its services to include round-the-clock technical support, a necessity for enterprises that run business-critical backups and protect data.

Amanda Enterprise is available today through a paid subscription to the Zmanda Network at one of three levels that include a range of premium-level software, support, and services. Subscriptions are free for community users.

For additional information, visit

About the Author

James E. Powell is the former editorial director of Enterprise Strategies (

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