TriCipher Releases VPN Authentication Solution

New product offers a more cost-effective alternative to VPN authentication over traditional OTP tokens

TriCipher has released Armored VPN, which the company touts as a more cost-effective alternative to one-time password (OTP) tokens for authenticating VPN users.

Suited for VPN users who access the network through an SSL, Armored VPN promises to reduce the upfront and operational costs of VPN authentication by as much as 85 percent when compared to OTP alternatives. (To calculate savings in total cost of ownership, visit the online calculator at

"OTP token costs far exceed the devices themselves, hiding in operations and IT help desk budgets," said TriCipher VP of marketing Jon Brody in a company press release. "Companies can achieve stronger security and better ease of use at a fraction of the cost. ... We're offering a more secure two-factor authentication solution for a fraction of the cost of OTP tokens."

Armored VPN helps IT departments save money by reducing -- or eliminating -- the amount of manual tasks normally required of OTP tokens. For instance, users can register for remote access online, without assistance from IT.

Administrators also would not have to replace tokens that have been lost or damaged; TriCipher features an "online self-service portal" automatically creates replacement credentials. Likewise, users who have forgotten or misplaced their tokens can become authenticated by answering pre-established security questions or by choosing to receive a "temporary access code" on the cell phones.

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