Initiate Systems Releases Version 8.0 of Data Management Platform

Latest version of Master Data Service debuted this week

Initiate Systems Inc. has released version 8.0 of the Initiate Master Data Service platform, the company announced today. Initiate's Master Data Service offering is designed to give users accurate, comprehensive and real-time views into their data -- whether it's inside or outside the firewall, and across multiple systems.

According to a press release from the company, the platform "provides identity or data matching and management, data modeling, information quality management, data sharing, relationship and hierarchy management, as well as multilingual, integration and synchronization capabilities." Besides being able to manage different data domains, users would have the ability to view relationships between or within data domains.

"Today's explosion of information has yielded huge volumes of data about people, places and things, which are fragmented across disparate systems and diverse operating environments," said Initiate Systems President and CEO Bill Conroy in a statement. "Information vital to the success of organizations of all kinds exists in silos scattered across business, health care and government 'ecosystems.' Now, exchanging data in a timely, accurate and secure manner is more critical to companies, departments and agencies than who owns the information or where it's stored."

New features in version 8.0 include the "workbench" functionality, which helps users through the "installation and management of Initiate software products." The latest release also includes the "inspector" feature, a Web-based application for viewing and managing data.

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