Troux 7.1 Helps IT Identify Cost Savings
Strategic IT planning software shows new ways for IT to save money
Troux Technologies has released Troux 7.1 that accelerates strategic IT planning. The update provides new out-of-the box support to accelerate use cases and provides organizations with immediate access to reliable intelligence and improved organizational insight. It can be used to conduct impact analysis through risk-free scenario planning.
“As the business environment gets tougher, there is a greater need for strategic IT planning, so IT departments are able to enable change instead of just reacting to it,” said Bola Rotibi, principal analyst at Ovum, in a statement. “CIOs need the ability to make decisions that factor in the whole IT environment, and will be best served by tools and services that have built-in responses to real-life scenarios and requirements gained from collaboration with a strong portfolio of end-user organizations.”
According to Matt Price, vice president of worldwide marketing for Troux, “The speed of this release was made possible by the flexibility of the Troux product architecture and the innovative agile development methods employed by the Troux research and development team. With Troux 7, the goal was to educate business on the value of transformative intelligence. With 7.1, we are helping them realize that value fast.”
Product enhancements include:
Decision support includes Flash-based visualizations (heat maps, base maps, and cluster maps)
Web-based collaboration allows users to create discussion threads and relate them to objects within the data repository; this Troux Collaboration feature provides “journaling” functionality provides a record of changes and decisions
New reports support the roles of executive management and portfolio planners; a new “opportunity finder” lets planners find opportunities for optimization %%Easier integration into existing IT systems, including integration with BPA tools such as Visual Paradigm; Troux Intelligence -- the company’s business intelligence engine for IT -- integrates directly with SAP’s Business Objects and IBM’s Cognos business intelligence software %%Troux Integrity notifies users of obligations to refresh data for which they’re responsible
More information about Troux 7.1 can be found at