GlassHouse Releases Reflector

New product helps companies through data center migration and consolidation

GlassHouse Technologies recently released its data center migration and consolidation product, Reflector, as part of its Transom service delivery platform.

The company says Reflector helps enterprises effectively plan their migration or consolidation projects and to minimize any possible risks that might result. It does this first by identifying the "requisite details" of the project and then creating models of potential outcomes, helping companies outline the strategy that suits them best.

Reflector then keeps track of all of the tasks necessary for completion, letting users view in one place what tasks have been done, what still has to occur, and possible outcomes caused by a change in plans. It also identifies application interdependencies and helps map applications to physical devices.

Essentially, the company said, the product acts as the "single point of truth" for the entire process.

"Today's enterprises can't afford down time, and a data center migration gone awry can have a significant impact on both the company's reputation and bottom line," said Bill Peldzus, GlassHouse vice president of data center services, in a prepared statement. "Reflector...helps to minimize the risks throughout a migration by identifying key issues before they are incurred and affect the success of the project."

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About the Author

Gladys Rama (@GladysRama3) is the editorial director of Converge360.

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