Veridata 2.1 Released
Data comparison solution features improvements in speed and processing load
GoldenGate Software Inc. recently released version 2.1 of Veridata, a data comparison product.
Veridata scans the data from two databases for any discrepancies between replicated data and source data. It does this without any interruption to network operations, the company said, letting administrators correct discrepancies with as quickly and with as little risk as possible.
According to Sami Akbay, GoldenGate's vice president of marketing and product management, data discrepancies don't necessarily occur as a result of malicious intent; often, they are a result of application or infrastructure problems, or human error.
"Unfortunately, more often than not, these problems are only discovered and addressed after the impact to the business has already occurred," Akbay said in a prepared statement. "With the updated verification procedures in GoldenGate Veridata 2.1, companies can identify and eliminate data contradictions across business applications and address potential operational, financial or regulatory risks before they harm the business."
The latest version of Veridata features improvements to its setup and installation (for instance, admins can specify security levels by user), improvements to usability, the capability to compare larger sets of data, and faster processing.
Veridata 2.1 can be purchased as a single product or alongside other GoldenGate products. It supports comparisons between Oracle databases, HP Enscribe databases and HP NonStop SQL/MP databases. For more information, go to