Vasont Systems Updates Namesake Content Management Software

New features focus on project management and collaboration for writers and managers

Note: ESJ’s editors carefully choose vendor-issued press releases about new or upgraded products and services. We have edited and/or condensed this release to highlight key features but make no claims as to the accuracy of the this vendor's statements.

Vasont Systems, a content management software and data services provider, has released Vasont 12, enabling users to store multilingual content once for maximum reuse and delivery to multiple channels. This release is available for both the client/server and hosted (SaaS) models.

“Vasont 12 gives users tighter control over their content, enables virtual collaboration, and provides better project tracking and reporting,” said Richard Schiding, president of Vasont Systems. “The focus on improving the management of the business process surrounding the content led to significant enhancements that will provide additional time and cost benefits for clients.”

Vasont 12 includes these major enhancements:

  • Internal and external reviewers can mark up content with changes and comments while seeing other reviewers’ feedback simultaneously. Accepted changes are automatically update in Vasont, minimizing manual updates.
  • The Project Management window provides overall status of workflow projects across multiple departments and highlights overdue projects. When needed, users can inquire about specific status information. Gantt charts provide a graphical view of project timelines.
  • Vasont’s Translation Projects window provides tracking and status for each multi-language translation project. Translation coordinators submit projects to multiple vendors for quote or translation. Integrations with translation vendors automate content delivery and status information to/from Vasont.
  • Vasont’s Preview displays content in a styled view to speed up editorial time by making content easy to read. Annotations display in the Preview for easy review and notation.
  • Specific pieces of content within a collection are restricted to alterations by its Content Owners while other users can only view it. Content Ownership provides an additional layer of content security.
  • Vasont’s administrative responsibilities (changing content setups, updating user permissions, running utilities) are delegated to Associate Administrators as assigned by the Super Administrator to keep the system operating efficiently across departments.
  • For users who want to know when critical events happen, Vasont’s Notifications alert users when activity occurs with specific variants, workflow tasks or projects, eliminating the need for phone calls or e-mail.
  • Users set up Workflow Projects once and reuse them with any content. Processes remain consistent and setup time is saved.
  • Attributes and valid value lists are defined once on content Aliases and used across all related content, promoting accuracy and reducing setup time.

More information can be found at

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