Curl Ships Version 7.0 of Rich Internet Application Development Platform

Newest version helps enterprise RIA developers create “fit-client” applications

Note: ESJ’s editors carefully choose vendor-issued press releases about new or upgraded products and services. We have edited and/or condensed this release to highlight key features but make no claims as to the accuracy of the this vendor's statements.

Curl, Inc. unveiled Version 7.0 of its Curl Rich Internet Application (RIA) platform that enables the development of mission-critical, Web-based business applications that provide superior security, high performance, and support for large data sets. Version 7.0 offers the essential capabilities to build both traditional enterprise-class RIAs and desktop RIAs at a lower total cost of ownership. Additionally, the new version will allow for businesses to run a true Fit Client application, a convergence of RIA technologies and desktop applications.

Key features of Version 7.0 of the Curl platform include:

  • Curl applets can be installed on the desktop for online and offline operation in a secure sandbox. The installer creates shortcuts on the desktop and start menu with customizable icons and a skinnable user interface.
  • The client-side database enables developers to build applications with local databases using the popular open source SQLite database engine combined with standard Curl techniques for data presentation and manipulation.
  • Demo applets -- Web-enabled applications -- run standalone on the desktop, update when connected, and provide real business value to enterprises.
  • Desktop applications now use the same security model as Curl applets. They run in a secure sandbox with local data access but limited system privileges. Curl applications also can run with full privileges, which require a standard digital signature provided by an established certification authority – self-signing is not allowed.

In addition to these RIA platform enhancements, the new version will continue to provide many of the same attributes that have already made Curl the choice for more than 400 enterprise customers, including:

  • Improved security over browser-based applications, allowing for enterprises to create mashups with enterprise-grade security.
  • High-performance processing for large data sets, processing thousands of records without additional memory consumption.
  • Sophisticated user interfaces capable of 3D or 2D rendering for graphs, charts and results-based statistical analysis.
  • Robust data input and visualization for aesthetic displays to run on the desktop.

Curl Version 7.0 is now available for download at

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