Hostway Releases New Virtualization Platform Based on Latest Microsoft Windows Server

New enterprise-class offerings leverage latest hypervisor technology. management tools to enable high-availability servers, private clouds

Note: ESJ’s editors carefully choose vendor-issued press releases about new or upgraded products and services. We have edited and/or condensed this release to highlight key features but make no claims as to the accuracy of the vendor's statements.

Hostway Corporation has unveiled a new line of virtual servers and cloud services based on Release 2 of the Microsoft Windows Server with Hyper-V.

The new products include high-availability servers deployed on redundant server clusters and redundant, replicated enterprise storage, private enterprise clouds, and geographic redundancy. They offer automated failover, advanced administration, and the operational efficiency of virtualization and cloud technologies.

TruFlex High Availability is a premium version of the Hostway’s established, dedicated server brand and is deployed on N+1 redundant server clusters to maximize reliability and uptime. Redundant, replicated enterprise-class storage further ensures that TruFlex HA servers will provide high-performance, uninterrupted service for critical applications.

Hostway will also offer private cloud services customized to meet the demands of enterprise IT applications. Enterprises will benefit from Hostway’s global data center and backbone network, as well as highly qualified Windows administrators to enable optimized configurations built and managed by Hostway. Customers will have direct access to manage the virtual resources deployed on dedicated infrastructure, which is managed and maintained by Hostway.

"Enterprises today want cost-effective ways to start leveraging the cloud while minimizing the impact on their IT organizations and user communities," explained Todd Benjamin, director of enterprise hosting. "The deployment of our virtualization platform and cloud solutions will allow us to apply the strength of our international network and data center footprint and deep networking and computing expertise to create and deploy predicable, high performance solutions in the minimal amount of time. Cloud and virtual hosting is ideal for SaaS (Software as a Service), hosting, online application hosting, and LAMP environments requiring the high availability, performance, redundancy, and scalability of a multi-server environment."

More information is available at

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