Monarch Report Mining and Analysis Tool Adds Compliance, Auditing Features

Source information moves with Excel data

Note: ESJ’s editors carefully choose vendor-issued press releases about new or upgraded products and services. We have edited and/or condensed this release to highlight key features but make no claims as to the accuracy of the vendor's statements.

Datawatch Corporation today updated its report mining and BI tool. With Monarch V10.5, users can create and export Microsoft Office Excel spreadsheets containing the original source of the data, eliminating spreadsheet-induced uncertainty, reducing the audit cycle, and easing compliance. Monarch V10.5 is compatible with the new Windows 7 operating system.

Datawatch customers use Monarch technology to quickly, easily, and non-programmatically convert their corporate information (usually reports) into Excel spreadsheets. Datawatch understands the increasing need for organizations to understand the lineage of their spreadsheet data for the purposes of compliance, auditing, reconciliation, and accuracy, and meets these needs in the newest version of Monarch.

With Monarch V10.5, a full-fidelity XML representation of the original source report is exported with the Excel file. Now the source data for the Excel file travels with the Excel file, making it easy for users to compare and reconcile the spreadsheet with the source data and eliminating the time-intensive process of confirming a spreadsheet’s accuracy and ensuring data integrity.

Monarch V10.5 also provides enhanced compliance by using optional digital signatures that can be embedded in the Excel file. This allows the user to determine if the spreadsheet was created by a known sender or if it has been tampered with or manipulated in transit, further demonstrating the authenticity of the document.

Key Monarch 10.5 features and benefits include:

  • Enhances compliance and auditability of Excel spreadsheets by allowing for inclusion of the source report file in XLSX/XLSM export
  • Free Monarch Context Add-in for Excel allows Excel users to jump from any Excel spreadsheet created by Monarch V10.5 to any source report data embedded in that file with a simple click, making it easy to check the veracity of their data
  • Optional digital signatures can be embedded for enhanced security
  • Compatible with Windows 7 Operating System

“The reporting ills of organizations centering on what is often called ‘spreadsheet hell’ or ‘spreadmarts’ are legendary. Managers, auditors, and compliance personnel all need easier, better ways to answer the common questions around spreadsheets: Where does the data come from? Is the data accurate? Has it been tampered with?,” said John Kitchen, Datawatch senior vice president and CMO. “With this latest version of Monarch, Datawatch solves these challenges and makes Monarch an even more valuable tool for providing useful, effective reporting throughout the organization. Now organizations can deliver corporate data in the format users want (Excel), along with the original report source(s) for viewing without programming, database work or altering any of their current system output, easing compliance and streamlining the auditing process.”

Monarch Context Add-in for Excel Users Provides Spreadsheet Compliance, Auditing, and Report Navigation

Datawatch has also developed a free, downloadable Add-in for Excel users called Monarch Context which allows any Excel user to sync the data in the Excel spreadsheet created by Monarch V10.5 with any embedded source report and visually display a full-fidelity XML representation of the report. Monarch Context can also be used to explore, copy, and print the source report from within Excel.

Requirements, Compatibility, Pricing

Monarch V10.5 Standard and Monarch V10.5 Pro Editions, available now, are compatible with Windows XP Home/Professional SP2, Windows 2003 Server SP1, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 and Windows 7. Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 or higher is required. Monarch V10.5 installs in minutes and can read model files and portable report files created with earlier versions of Monarch.

Monarch V10.5 Standard Edition is $699 MSRP for a single user and $2,649 for a network of four users. Monarch V10.5 Pro Edition is $849 MSRP for a single user and $3,399 for a network of four users. Reduced prices for upgrades are available.

More information is available at

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