Knoa Ships New End-User Experience Monitoring Solution

Virtual/Cloud Experience Manager accelerates transition for enterprise applications running in virtualizaed environments, delivered as a service, or running in a cloud environment

Note: ESJ’s editors carefully choose vendor-issued press releases about new or upgraded products and services. We have edited and/or condensed this release to highlight key features but make no claims as to the accuracy of the vendor's statements.

Knoa Software has released Knoa Virtual/Cloud Experience Manager (VCEM) that monitors and manages real end-user experience for enterprise applications running in virtualized environments, delivered via SaaS, or provisioned via cloud computing.

These non-traditional delivery models represent a significant disruption in the provisioning model for the infrastructure on which applications run. In many cases, the benefits of increased agility, reduced costs, and sustainability are lost as the new provisioning paradigms introduce business risk. Knoa’s flagship product, Experience and Performance Manager (EPM) has been widely recognized as an innovative end-user experience monitoring solution, in part because it is the only end-user monitoring product that simultaneously meets the user performance needs of the business and the end-user experience needs of the IT organization.

Knoa VCEM extends this concept to the worlds of SaaS, virtualization, and cloud computing with a streamlined, turnkey application designed specifically to support the management needs of the IT operations team changing the provisioning model for business critical applications such as SAP, Oracle EBS, Oracle Siebel, and Microsoft Outlook.

Knoa VCEM is designed to mitigate the inherent risk to business continuity that any disruption to the back-end infrastructure raises, especially with the following capabilities:

  • Dynamic Benchmarking enables IT to compare system performance prior to the change with system performance before and after each change in the back-end infrastructure. Dynamic Benchmarking is available for all system performance metrics including transaction response times, system errors, and utilization.

  • Comprehensive Threshold Alerting allows IT to create and manage alerts based on established service-level agreements (SLA). Alerts can be delivered via e-mail or integrated into existing performance management consoles to provide the IT team with a “single pane of glass” for performance management.

  • Dynamic Base-lining allows IT to monitor any performance metric (response time, quality, or utilization) for variance from short- or long-term trends. Dynamic baselining directly attacks the difficult issue of ensuring minimal performance degradation for the thousands of transactions for which meaningful SLA thresholds have not yet been set.

  • Advance Root Cause Analysis allows the IT operations team to evaluate the impact of end-user behavior and desktop resources and conditions on any performance anomaly. This is available as an additional capability.

Knoa VCEM leverages Knoa’s Universal Client Agent, a passive desktop agent, to capture its performance metrics. “With current trends in application methodologies (SOA, RIA) and infrastructure options (cloud computing, virtualization, SaaS), it’s become increasingly clear that the only relevant measurement point for any and all performance metrics is the end-user’s desktop. You simply can’t do it from anywhere else, period,” said Lori Wizdo, vice president of marketing at Knoa Software. “End-user monitoring provides one version of the truth so IT teams can identify real problems in real time and can completely eliminate the impact of user perceptions about application performance. The end result is a seamless transition to the back-end operational model that offers the enterprise increased agility, reduced costs and sustainability.”

More information is available at

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