Compuware Gomez Accelerates Diagnosis of Web Application Performance Issues

Gomez Active Data Center provides open integration between Gomez Web Performance Management and systems management software

Note: ESJ’s editors carefully choose vendor-issued press releases about new or upgraded products and services. We have edited and/or condensed this release to highlight key features but make no claims as to the accuracy of the vendor's statements.

Compuware Corporation today released Gomez, Compuware’s Web-performance division, released Gomez Active Data Center. The new solution connects Gomez’s “outside-in” end-user Web performance monitoring with “behind-the-firewall” infrastructure monitoring systems to provide an integrated view of application performance and IT service delivery across the enterprise and the Internet. By aggregating Gomez Web application performance alerts with internal systems events, IT operations teams can more quickly identify internal systems causing business-impacting Web application performance issues.

When Web performance issues arise, organizations use the Gomez platform to determine if the root cause is in a browser, a third party, the Internet, or inside their data center. If the issue is internal, Gomez Active Data Center enables IT teams to quickly isolate the specific systems causing the problem via a two-way exchange of data between their Gomez Web performance management and IT systems management tools. This integration can be achieved either by directly delivering Gomez alerts into a company’s management software for analysis and correlation or by aggregating and pulling events into the Gomez portal. Gomez Active Data Center is a software-as-a-service based solution built on an open integration framework that integrates with IT management software from CA, HP, IBM, Nagios, and others.

“Root cause analysis is an ongoing challenge for businesses, consuming time and resources,” said Imad Mouline, chief technology officer of the Gomez division of Compuware Corporation. “Gomez Active Data Center helps businesses triage and resolve Web application performance issues more efficiently by connecting end users’ experiences with behind-the-firewall events.”

Gomez Active Data Center is available on a flexible, subscription basis. More information is available here.

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