Trusted Computer Solutions’ Automated Operating System Hardening Tool Adds Support for Novell SUSE

Security Blanket 4.0 provides role-based access control and expanded operating system support

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Trusted Computer Solutions (TCS), a developer of cross-domain and cyber security solutions, today announced that its automated Operating System (OS) hardening tool, Security Blanket, now supports Novell SUSE as well as openSUSE and Fedora 11 in addition to previously supported Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Solaris, and Oracle Enterprise Linux.

The new version of Security Blanket also provides role-based access control (RBAC) and a JAVA-based administration console. The addition of RBAC provides customers with enhanced security by allowing users to only perform operations that are appropriate for their specific roles. System administrators with responsibility for lock down and policy assurance can be assigned a higher level of functional authority than security officers who may only need access to assessment and baseline reports.

The new Java-based administration console in Security Blanket makes the user experience more intuitive and flexible. For customers who implement their own customized security policies, the newly enhanced Profile Builder will make the process much easier to implement and manage. Even the novice system administrator can develop strong security guidelines by searching a variety of predefined options to create the appropriate lock down configurations.

According to Ed Hammersla, chief operating officer for Trusted Computer Solutions, “SUSE Linux Enterprise Server is helping customers take advantage of commodity servers which saves money and reduces power consumption. Our goal is to have Security Blanket support the majority of server operating systems that are running business and mission critical applications.”

Security Blanket automatically locks down (or hardens), Linux and Solaris OSes to meet industry-standard security guidelines such as the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) UNIX Security Implementation Technical Guide (STIGs) or Center for Internet Security (CIS) Benchmarks. It is a cost-effective way to consistently and predictably secure enterprise-wide systems in a fraction of the time it takes to lock them down manually.

Security Blanket can easily assess the security posture of individual systems or groups of systems, identify OS vulnerabilities, and automatically remediate those vulnerabilities by automatically changing the actual OS configuration settings that were identified as vulnerable. Security Blanket goes even further by allowing an “undo” capability to reverse the hardening actions if applications are adversely affected by the lock down. Assessment and Baseline reports are an inherent feature of Security Blanket, which facilitates providing audit documentation to Security Officers.

More information is available at

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