Enterasys Data Center Manager Automates Control, Visibility of Physical and Virtual Data Centers

Enterasys vendor agnostic, open data center architecture supports all virtualization platforms.

Note: ESJ’s editors carefully choose vendor-issued press releases about new or upgraded products and services. We have edited and/or condensed this release to highlight key features but make no claims as to the accuracy of the vendor's statements.

Enterasys Networks, a Siemens Enterprise Communications Company, announced Enterasys Data Center Manager (DCM), a unified management solution that delivers automation, visibility and control over the data center fabric, including network, servers, storage and applications, across both physical and virtual environments. Enterasys DCM is part of Enterasys' data center strategy, a series of new offerings and partnerships designed to provide customers with open and highly automated data center network solutions.

Enterasys DCM provides IT with a tool for tracking and historical reporting on virtual machine movement, allowing users to ensure the proper network resources are allocated when a VM is provisioned, no matter where it is on the network. The implementation of the integrated Enterasys network and VM management system allows the IT administrator to group virtual machines into supporting business roles, solving virtualization security concerns.

Enterasys DCM provides a unified provisioning process, bridging the traditional divide among the server, networking and storage teams to ensure each has a comprehensive view of virtual server and network environments. As an integrated network and virtual machine VM management system, Enterasys DCM ensures that the proper network resources are allocated when a VM is provisioned, no matter where it is on the network. This is achieved with DCM's ability to apply individual policies to various data objects in the switching fabric, solving the challenge of virtual machine sprawl.

Enterasys DCM easily integrates with popular server virtualization products from Citrix, Microsoft and VMware. This capability is unique to Enterasys, providing the IT organization with flexibility to choose from any of the leading server virtualization vendors. Enterasys data center offerings are designed to interoperate with multiple virtualization, server and storage vendors.

For more information about Siemens Enterprise Communications or Enterasys please visit www.enterasys.com.

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