Lighthouse Gateway Streamlines Federated Single Sign-On for SaaS Solutions

Wizard simplifies federation with popular SaaS providers.

Note: ESJ’s editors carefully choose vendor-issued press releases about new or upgraded products and services. We have edited and/or condensed this release to highlight key features but make no claims as to the accuracy of the vendor's statements.

Lighthouse Security Group has unveiled new enhancements to the federated identity and access management (IAM) services within the Lighthouse Gateway cloud-based IAM service. Lighthouse Gateway’s new “Quick Connect” technology simplifies federated user provisioning and federated single sign-on (SSO) for popular Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) applications. With just a few mouse clicks, organizations can share user credentials with partners such as, Success Factors, Concur, and ADP so that users can seamlessly access third-party applications through one identity authentication mechanism.

The growing popularity of SaaS applications has increased demand for federated IAM solutions. Organizations are looking to streamline user access to third-party applications and simplify user provisioning beyond organizational boundaries. Federation facilitates single sign-on across third-party providers and enables organizations to provision users, roles, and entitlements to partner applications in a secure, open-standard format.

“Federation is about business-to-business integration. It allows organizations to share identity credentials and facilitate single sign-on for access to external resources,” said Eric Z. Maass, enterprise security solutions director for Lighthouse Security Group. “Today, organizations are looking to use federation so that users don’t have to manage multiple IDs and passwords for SaaS applications. Users can simply log into an internal resource, such as a company portal, and gain one-click access to third-party applications without having to reenter their credentials.”

Traditionally, organizations must purchase federation software and build a federation to access each third-party provider -- a costly and time-consuming process. It is not uncommon for a single federation to take weeks or even months to configure. Because many organizations have multiple SaaS partners, this behind-the-scenes development effort is a major drawback to traditional federated IAM solutions.

The enhanced federation services within Lighthouse Gateway, built on top of market-leading IBM IAM software, allow organizations to quickly federate with popular SaaS providers without having to build or deploy any on-premise infrastructure. The Lighthouse Gateway federated IAM service is completely hosted in the cloud and accessible on-demand.

“The new technology within Lighthouse Gateway allows organizations to take advantage of federation by picking a popular SaaS partner and answering a few questions within an easy-to-use wizard,” said Maass. “What otherwise would have taken weeks or months in a traditional environment can be accomplished with a few mouse clicks in a matter of minutes. Existing Lighthouse Gateway customers will soon be able to take advantage of the ‘Quick Connect’ technology, while organizations with on-premise IAM systems can opt to have Lighthouse Gateway serve as the bridge between their on-premise IAM infrastructure and their SaaS partners.”

More information can be found at

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