IBM Solutions Simplify Enterprise Software Development

Build once, deploy across disparate platforms.

Note: ESJ’s editors carefully choose vendor-issued press releases about new or upgraded products and services. We have edited and/or condensed this release to highlight key features but make no claims as to the accuracy of the vendor's statements.

IBM has released a pair of new software products that help enterprise customers manage the design and delivery of applications across disparate computing landscapes. With them, organizations can reduce IT and administration overhead through a single, integrated development platform to help unify new and legacy systems.

The new IBM solutions include the Rational Developer for System z Family and the Rational Asset Analyzer Family. These software development offerings bring higher productivity through modern integrated development and test environments for mainframe development and zEnterprise support. Additionally, the new Rational Business Developer simplifies innovation by enabling application development on multiple mainframe platforms with EGL, an open business application development language. New capabilities for Rational Team Concert help unite development organizations by providing a common solution for planning, reporting, and change and configuration management.

Software development teams continue to be challenged by escalating IT administration costs, security access control issues, and working with multiple systems in the data center. According to a recent IBM study, the single application development environment can yield an up to a 20 percent gain in productivity while protecting legacy investments and progressively managing and integrating new system advancements.

IBM’s single, integrated software development platform lets enterprises unify their multi-system environments. Software development teams can design, develop, test, deploy, and manage software for the IBM zEnterprise System across multiple operating systems and languages in a single, consolidated effort. This platform spans the enterprise, with zEnterprise mainframe and select IBM Power7 and workload-optimized systems including the IBM Smart Analytics Optimizer in a tightly configured, integrated data center environment. (Later this year, IBM will deliver support for select System x servers.)

Applications created in Java, for example, can be deployed in an AIX environment without changing code or server specifications. Organizations no longer have to maintain duplicate environments for application development across various platforms, and now have the flexibility to move workloads around without having to worry about moving development teams and infrastructure.

The new IBM solutions for zEnterprise will help enterprise clients:

  • Increase organizational agility: Teams now have a single end-to-end view of an application project, with improved knowledge and understanding of how the mainframe and Power Systems technology-based applications interact, as well as awareness of what other developers are doing that could affect them -- all in real time.

  • Reduce development complexity and cost: Using a common, multi-platform development and test environment, regardless of computing platform, means all developers have the same view of the application code from either the front-end Web interface or the back-end transaction-processing or database interface.

  • Minimize project risk: Improved teamwork, automated deployment capabilities, and system-generated management reports make development more efficient.

More information is available at

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